

Behind The Scene & Meet the Team!

Dr. Nadia Rashid

Behind The Scene & Meet the Team!

Come meet our ever-growing teams!!! Probably u guys already the girl in the middle is our founder Dr. Nadia. Ancient history mention that during the establishment of candlenutsbynadia, she use to be a one-woman show running everything from pouring to

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Smell it and awake your inner spirit: Our ‘two-scents’ on how these aromas could make your day better!

Smell it and awake your inner spirit: Our ‘two-scents’ on how these aromas could make your day better!

Certain aroma could awake or diffuse certain mood and emotions in you. But what is certain is, if used in the right situations, these aromas could really make your day better.

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Can scents affect your mood? Let’s find out!

Can scents affect your mood? Let’s find out!

Our sense of smell is the strongest among the five senses and surely is the most tied to our emotion and memories. Impressively, it does not stop there as from all of these processes, scents could also affect your mood.

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